• Alan Williams
  • Alan Williams
  • Professor of French
  • We profoundly mourn the loss of Professor Alan Williams, a beloved and inspiring educator for over thirty-five years, and a leading film scholar and historian who cared deeply about public and humanistic education and was passionate about both cinema and teaching. He is dearly missed.

Obituary - Alan Williams 08/16/2023



B.A., University of Washington
M.A., University of Washington
Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo

Fields of Research:

Professor Alan Williams worked primarily in the field of film history, defined very broadly. He tried to tie together ways of studying cinema that are normally considered distinct: theories of spectatorship, economic history, study of film genres, the influence of social events and configurations on filmmaking, and so on. He was particularly interested in crisis points in film history--"overdetermined" moments where striking changes at apparently different levels occur in a relatively brief space of time. These included (for French cinema) the transition from "silent" cinema to the talkies, the German Occupation, the years of the nouvelle vague and, most recently, the time of the final negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

Books (click on image for details):



Other Publications:

  • Max Ophuls and the Cinema of Desire. (Arno, 1980)
  • "Pierrot in Context(s)", in D. Wills, ed., Pierrot le fou (Cambridge University Press, in press)
  • Making Different Kinds of Circles:  Reigen and the Cinema, in T. Ballhausen et al (eds.), Die Tatsachen der Seele:  Arthur Schnitzler und der Film (Verlag Filmarchiv Austria, 2006)

Graduate Courses:

  • French Cinema of the Occupation
  • Cinema Between the World Wars
  • Writing Film History
  • Film Theory
  • Theories of Realism
  • French Stars and Genres

Undergraduate Courses:

  • French Film in French
  • French Film in English
  • Senior Seminar in Cinema Studies
  • French Cinema and the Novel
  • French Cinema and the Theater
  • Aspects of French Literature

Program Connections:

Cinema Studies
Comparative Literature