This course is intended for minors and majors.
Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: 01:420:132/137, 213 or placement.
Course Description
‘SEE WHAT I MEAN?’ : READING INTO FRENCH POPULAR CULTURE : Advertisements, slogans, songs, cartoons and news articles are some of the messages that shape our representation of the world. But what exactly are these messages saying? What do they really mean, and how do they make sense? This course is designed for students who are interested in improving their linguistic skills while exploring some of the many “faces” of language. A selection of short visual and textual documents, two best-selling contemporary novels and three box-office movies will serve as a basis for reading and writing practice as well as grammar reviews.
Personal contacts by email and/or by phone during office hours and upon arrangement.
Language of Instruction - French
Course URL - A Canvas link will be available at the beginning of the semester.
Satisfies SAS Core Learning Goals: AHp or AHq, WCd
Course Learning Goals (aligned with Department Learning Goals)
- Communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written French (Intermediate-High), to a general audience
- Respond effectively to editorial feedback from peers, instructors, and/or supervisors through successive drafts and revision.
- Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate new insights.
- Sharpen skills for active reading comprehension, oral communication, and essay-writing in French.
Exams, Assignments, and Grading Policy
Students will demonstrate their mastery of said learning goals, weekly via class discussions, debates, quizzes, and/or journal entries; and at regular intervals throughout the semester via essays, oral and/or video presentations. A midterm and a final exam will also be part of the final grade.
Course Materials
Denise Rochat, Contrastes, Grammaire du français courant, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 1997, 2005), textbook and workbook
Robert, Le Robert Micro Poche de la Langue Française
Faiza Guène, Kiffe kiffe demain, ISBN-10: 2253113751, ISBN-13: 978-2253113751
Phillippe Claudel, La petite fille de Monsieur Linh, ISBN-10: 2234057744, ISBN-13: 978-2234057746
Course reader and additional material on-line